
Allan G. Johnson, Privilege, Power, and Difference, second edition (great source for foundational understanding of privilege based on race, gender, sexual orientation.  In 2nd edition he adds physical ability status)

Waking up White  by Debby Irving (white womanshares her ”sometimes cringe-worthy struggle” to understand racism and racial tensions. She offers a fresh perspective on bias, stereotypes, manners, and tolerance.)

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria…and Other Conversations about Race, Beverly Daniel Tatum, (racial social conditioning)

The Will to Change – Men, Masculinity, and Love,  by bell hooks (partriarchy & male supremacy)

Racing to Justice – Transforming Our Conceptions of Self and Other to Build an Inclusive Society by john a. Powell

Radical Dharma Talking Race, Love, and Liberation, Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Lama Rod Owens, Jasmine Syedullah.

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald Takaki, (often untold multi-cultural history of the US)


Diversity Terms and Definitions, by the Shambhala Diversity Working Group – Common terms, definitions, with Shambhala terms

Seattle Times “Under our Skin” –  a diverse group of people in Seattle talk about race


Beyond the Gender Binary” Video with Yee Won Chong (10 min)

Diversity Explosion, Short Video demographic trends (1:50 min)